The Bunkhouse


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For Sale


Below is a picture of a 1911 Singer sewing machine. Email me and I'll tell you more. I am asking 65.00.You pay shipping.


dog in the creek

Pictured above is "Molly". Molly is a horse tht I recently purchased. She will need lots of love and attention. She is an eight year old black mare. Her orgin is unknown but she does have a "blm" freezebrand on her. She is very smart and is willing to learn. She is stubborn at times though and dosen't like to be caught. Molly was given to a friend of mine when her training was complete. She is now a well adjusted friendly mare.


I am accepting phone numbers at this time for bloodhound puppies. Puppies are $450. These two are not for sale but most of the puppies look just like them!!Cute, ain't they?