The Bunkhouse


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My Babies!!


Above is Lena. She is a four year old AQHA mare. She has been bred for her first foal. Lena and I have had our share of problems including a helicopter accident and lots of bucking episodes. She has been worked with by Monty Roberts in order to stop the bucking. It seems to have worked, she hasn't bucked since.


This is Sandy. He is now a coming three year old APHA stud.
I did breed him to 2 of my own mares and one outside mare this year in order to get a good picture of his proginey before he is used to the general public. this picture is when he was a little over a year old.



Below is Ice. She is my ugly Palomino Mare. She is a registered Quarter horse. She is now 8 years old and She is Sandy's Mother. She had another Palomino stud colt this year and I will have to put his picture up soon.
I am told all she has is golden palomino's. I will find out.


Here's part of the crew. They are looking off at some emu's
like they have never seen anything else before.

